I express breast milk in preparation for Son's Daycare phase of life. It involves holding milking devices onto my breast for 20 mins a side. 40mins a go with 6-8 milkings a day. That makes for 5.3 hours per day spent attached to a contraption. Yes, I used a calculator to do that math. I will not be one of those mothers who can impress their children with mental math. That is the father's job. I will however impress him with the ability to locate where the calculators( and almost all household nicknack's) are.
I actually spent less time because sometimes Son has the privilege of drinking directly from the tap. Nevertheless, we are talking about as much as 5 hours a day. Much of these blog was written one hand on the pump and the other typing. I read somewhere that you can buy this bra called Easy Expression so you can do it hands free. It cost $$ ( so said the Hokkienme). I can make it ( so said the Cantoneseme). I have old sports bra that I can resuse( Hokkienme jumped for joy at the salvaging and reuse of stuff people thought I kept for no reason). I can use my underused sewing machine to make sure it does not fray ( Hokkienme very proud. Cantoneseme relieved a little from the guilt of having bought a fancy singer electrical sewing machine just for altering pants)
Above is the product of yet another wonderful Hokkien Cantonese collaboration! It is a basic sports bra. Cut slit( not to long!!) Sew edges to prevent fraying. Reinforce bottom part of slit with more stitches. It may not be pretty but its yet another $30.00 savings into Son's imaginary College fund. ( read about Hokkienme and Cantoneseme at Hokkien-Cantonese Conflict