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Human Cow entryI express breast milk in preparation for Son's Daycare phase of life. It involves holding milking devices onto my breast for 20 mins a side. 40mins a go with 6-8 milkings a day. That makes for 5.3 hours per day spent attached to a contraption. Yes, I used a calculator to do that math. I will not be one of those mothers who can impress their children with mental math. That is the father's job. I will however impress him with the ability to locate where the calculators( and almost all household nicknack's) are.
I actually spent less time because sometimes Son has the privilege of drinking directly from the tap. Nevertheless, we are talking about as much as 5 hours a day. Much of these blog was written one hand on the pump and the other typing. I read somewhere that you can buy this bra called
Easy Expression so you can do it hands free. It cost $$ ( so said the Hokkienme). I can make it ( so said the Cantoneseme). I have old sports bra that I can resuse( Hokkienme jumped for joy at the salvaging and reuse of stuff people thought I kept for no reason). I can use my underused sewing machine to make sure it does not fray ( Hokkienme very proud. Cantoneseme relieved a little from the guilt of having bought a fancy singer electrical sewing machine just for altering pants)
Above is the product of yet another wonderful Hokkien Cantonese collaboration! It is a basic sports bra. Cut slit( not to long!!) Sew edges to prevent fraying. Reinforce bottom part of slit with more stitches. It may not be pretty but its yet another $30.00 savings into Son's imaginary College fund. ( read about Hokkienme and Cantoneseme at
Hokkien-Cantonese Conflict
You have to model your "hokkien bra". Please do so quickly!!
MegaMillions only $45M so I'm not buying yet.... hehehe
Hai! Hokkienme say "not being paid why do?" and Cantoneseme say "Body of post pregnant woman is not pretty and should not see the light of day in bra!"
hahahah! U r sure a funny mama! Good innovation. Should probably patent it so people don't copy ur style ;P
hahahah! U r sure a funny mama! Good innovation. Should probably patent it so people don't copy ur style ;P
Sadly, I do not think that many people will want to copy my the idea is not truly original...I "cetak rompak" also
Hi Cass,
This is my 1st time to your blog. I went to your FB and found this link.
I enjoy your funny sense of humor, you always had them.
Congratulations on being a Mama & your lovely baby boy.
Lee Peng aka Christina aka yr cousin..
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