Look what I found! Promises promises.

See! This blog is already serving its purpose as a place to centralise my random misplaced thoughts. Below are promises I wrote the first few nights watching my son sleep. Hmm I did however seem to structure my sentenses in my usual self centered manner. It is phrased with "I want" rather then I promiss.

Bringing up Son

I want to give you the courage to pursue your dreams

I want to be brave enough to let you make your own mistakes.

I want to be supportive and positive in all your endeavors.

I want to be able to let, as many people love you as possible**

I want to be that voice inside your head that say you can do it & go for it.

I want you to one day ask yourself “what would mum do in a situation like this”:

I want you to always be able to come to me.

I want you to say "Mommy did that, I can do this" when faced with challenges.

These “ I wants” were written in the first few days of his life, as I sat alone in the room with him, tired and taking in all that had happened. I wanted it written down because I know, like many promises we make in life, sometimes we forget them. I slip up on promises sometimes(oh come on! Don’t tell me you never did!) Especially those made to myself.

Now, here it is son, you can one day remind me about these when I slip up.

** this one was made when everyone seem to want to take him from my arms ...e.g my mother in law who took him from me at 5 am in the morning irrespective whether we looked perfectly fine sleeping together. I know she did it so i could sleep better but my hormones yelled "Mine!Mine!Mine!" ( we have established that I am a tad self centered right?) do I need to say more?

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